US President Joe Biden sweeps South Carolina with ‘loser’ taunt at Republican rival Donald Trump


NEW DELHI: President Joe Biden secured a decisive win in the South Carolina Democratic primary on Saturday, pledging afterward to defeat Republican opponent Donald Trump for a second time in the upcoming November election in US.
Biden secured an overwhelming 96.4 percent of the votes in the South Carolina Democratic primary, marking a crucial milestone in his bid for re-election. The win reaffirms Biden’s strength among voters, particularly Black voters who played a pivotal role in his 2020 victory.

Biden, 81, addressed supporters at a campaign event in California, expressing confidence in his path to securing the Democratic nomination and said, “Now in 2024, the people of South Carolina have spoken again, and I have no doubt that you have set us on the path to winning the presidency again—and making Donald Trump a loser—again,” declared Biden in a statement.

As Democrats analyze the results, the focus shifts to assessing how Biden mobilized Black voters, a demographic crucial to his previous triumph. The president acknowledged the significance of this support and urged voters to stay engaged, emphasizing the high stakes involved in the upcoming election.
“The stakes in this election could not be higher. There are extreme and dangerous voices at work in the country—led by Donald Trump,” Biden warned.

Ecstatic scenes unfolded at a watch party for local Democratic volunteers in North Charleston, where Biden activists celebrated the victory. Volunteers expressed determination to continue engaging voters and building momentum for the November election.
Despite South Carolina historically leaning Republican, Biden considers the state a critical proving ground for his support among Black voters. Recent polls have indicated a decline in support, particularly among young Black men, raising concerns about Biden’s ability to maintain the same level of enthusiasm as in 2020.
While some voters expressed satisfaction with Biden’s record, others admitted a lack of enthusiasm for his second-term bid but emphasized the importance of preventing a Trump victory.
“It’s the lesser of two evils,” remarked Noelle Paris, 63, reflecting a sentiment shared by voters who view Biden as the more viable candidate despite reservations.
Biden’s victory comes amid a series of attacks on Trump, whom he perceives as a threat to democracy. Recent polls suggest a tight race between Biden and Trump, with the former inching ahead in some surveys. Despite facing low approval ratings, Biden remains optimistic about his chances, pointing to his unofficial victory in a New Hampshire primary where voters had to write him in.
As the 2024 election season unfolds, all eyes will be on Biden as he seeks to navigate the complex political landscape and secure his place as the Democratic nominee.


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